Was ist eigentlich Rhododendron?
Rhododendron… sind die Zierde jeden Heidegartens. Sie bilden aber auch wertvolle Ergänzungen in jedem Hausgarten. Der optimale Standort für Rhodos ist ein geschützter Platz im Halbschatten mit leicht saurer, mooriger oder torfhaltiger Erde, locker und gut durchlüftet.
What is the genus name of a rhododendron tree?
The genus Rhododendron includes the azalea and Labrador tea, which were sometimes considered distinct. Rhododendron, meaning “red tree,” refers to the red flowers and woody growth of some species, but rhododendrons range in habit from evergreen to deciduous and from low-growing ground covers to tall trees.
How many anthers does a rhododendron have?
They are distinguished from „true“ rhododendrons by having only five anthers per flower. Rhododendron is a genus of shrubs and small to (rarely) large trees, the smallest species growing to 10–100 cm (4–40 in) tall, and the largest, R. protistum var. giganteum, reported to 30 m (100 ft) tall.
What does a rhododendron plant look like?
Rhododendron. Leaves are thick and leathery and are evergreen in all but the azalea species, some of which are deciduous. Flowers may be scented or not and are usually tubular to funnel-shaped and occur in a wide range of colours—white, yellow, pink, scarlet, purple, and blue.
Genus Rhododendron can be evergreen or deciduous shrubs or trees, with simple leaves, sometimes with a dense colourful indumentum of hairs on the lower side, and funnel-shaped, bell-shaped or tubular flowers that may be solitary or in short racemes
Why are my Rhododendron buds turning brown & dry?
Rhododendron bud blast, a fungal condition that causes buds to turn brown and dry, and not open, is caused by the fungus Pycnostysanus azaleae, which may be brought to the plant by the rhododendron leafhopper, Graphocephala fennahi.