Was ist ein Index Mathe?
In der Mathematik bezeichnet Index (Plural: Indizes) ein Element einer Indexmenge, das zur Nummerierung unterschiedlichster Objekte herangezogen wird. Oftmals wird als Indexmenge die Menge der natürlichen Zahlen verwendet.
Wie mache ich eine kleine 2?
Nämlich das kleine hoch²-Zeichen. Diese kann getippt werden, indem beim Schreiben die Taste [alt gr] (rechts neben der Leertaste) gedrückt gehalten und nun einmal die Taste [2] betätigt wird. Voilà! Es wurde eine hochgestellte, kleine 2 geschrieben.
How do you type math in a superscript form?
Type a superscript with ( Insert ▶ Typesetting ▶ Superscript ). Exit from typing math with : Exit from a superscript but continue typing math with ( Insert ▶ Typesetting ▶ End Subexpression ): Typing a superscript in text automatically enters math mode.
How do you enter math mode in a subscript?
Exit from typing math with : Exit from a subscript but continue typing math with ( Insert ▶ Typesetting ▶ End Subexpression ): Typing a subscript in text automatically enters math mode. You can enter math mode explicitly with . See Insert Inline Math In Text for details.
What is the difference between superscript and subscript symbols?
They are self-contained Unicode symbols with their own numbers in its table and meanings. Letters written slightly above the normal line of type are called superscript. And letters set slightly below the line are named subscript. Both of them equally with small numbers stand for mathematical and chemical formulas.
How many times can you multiply 3 with a superscript?
In the case of variables, even though the superscript tells you to multiply it so many times, you still write it with the superscript. But with numbers, you multiply it out. The first one tells you to multiply the 3 four times, with your answer being 81.