Ist der Taschenrechner Casio FX 87 de plus programmierbar?
Ideal geeignet für den Mathematikunterricht in Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Berlin und Brandenburg. In vielen Bundesländern sind wissenschaftliche Rechner verpflichtend einzusetzen, die Verteilungsfunktionen besitzen und weder programmierbar sind noch Gleichungen lösen können. Der FX-87DE Plus erfüllt diese Anforderungen …
Welcher Taschenrechner für die Uni?
Zugelassen sind einfache wissenschaftliche Taschenrechner. Es wird empfohlen, dass sie mindestens Exponenten, Wurzeln, Logarithmus und Exponentialfunktion beherrschen. Konkrete geeignete Modelle: Casio: FX-82…, FX-83…, FX-85…, FX-86…, FX-87…
How do I use the fx-991ex to calculate?
The fx-991EX has the power to handle vectors, matrices, complex numbers and numerically calculates summation and even definite integrals. From the Main Menu, use the arrow keys to highlight the Calculate icon and press p or press 1. There are many different types of unit conversions that can be accomplished on this menu.
How do I enter matrices infx-991ex?
fx-991EX Quick Start Guide 13 Operations with matrices and matrix related calculations are all located in the Matrix Menu. From the Main Menu, use the arrow keys to highlight the Matrix icon and press p or press 4. To enter matrices, first, define the matrix.
How do I enter one-variable statistics infx-991ex?
fx-991EX can calculate several one-variable statistics, and also analyze relationships between two data sets using various regression models. From the Main Menu, use the arrow keys to highlight the Statistics icon, then press p or press 6. On the resulting menu, select 1 for “1-Variable” statistics. data entry screen appears.
How to turn off radian mode onfxfx-991ex?
fx-991EX “ClassWiz” features a high-resolution between 2-6 times as many characters as other scientific calculators, yet . still runs on solar power. Use the W key to turn the calculator on, and press qC(OFF) to power the unit down. The icon-based menu, accessible To change to radian mode, press qp(SET UP)2(Angle Unit)2(Radian