Warum gehört Japan zu den führenden Industrieländern?
Industrie. Weltweit führend ist Japan in der Robotik-Industrie. Die Herstellung von Industriegütern ist in Japan einer der wichtigsten Wirtschaftssektoren. Exportiert werden vor allem Maschinen und elektronische Geräte sowie Transportmittel (PKW, etc.).
Ist Japan Industrieland?
Japan ist seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg neben den USA führende Wirtschaftsmacht. Bis etwa 1970 entwickeltes es sich vom Agrarstaat zum Industriestaat. Das Land besteht aus einer 2600 km langen Inselkette vor der Pazifikküste Ostasiens.
How did Japan’s development through industrialization develop?
Still, there are four distinctive features of Japan’s development through industrialization that merit discussion: Japan’s agricultural productivity was high enough to sustain substantial craft (proto-industrial) production in both rural and urban areas of the country prior to industrialization.
Is Japan a labor-intensive or capital-intensive economy?
Sharply segmented labor and capital markets emerged in Japan after the 1910s. The capital intensive sector enjoying high ratios of capital to labor paid relatively high wages, and the labor intensive sector paid relatively low wages.
What happened to Japanese dualism after 1945?
After 1945 a series of public policy reforms addressed inequality and erased much of the social bitterness around dualism that ravaged Japan prior to World War II. The remainder of this article will expand on a number of the themes mentioned above. The appendix reviews quantitative evidence concerning these points.
How did Japan’s Tokaido industrial belt become so successful?
The consolidation of two huge hydroelectric power grids during the 1920s — one servicing Tokyo/Yokohama, the other Osaka and Kobe — further solidified the comparative advantage of the Tokaido industrial belt in factory production.