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Was sind ich und du Botschaften?
In der Du-Botschaft verbirgt sich Tadel, Vorwurf, Schuldzuweisung; das Problem an der angespannten Situation liegt beim anderen. Gegensatz zu Du-Botschaften sind Ich-Botschaften (Feedback, Kommunikation).
Welche Wirkung erzeugt man mit DU-Botschaften?
Mit Du-Botschaften bringen Sie Ihren Gesprächspartner unbewusst in die Defensive und machen ihm Vorwürfe, zum Beispiel „Du kommst immer zu spät“. Das erzeugt häufig eine negative Gegenreaktion, der Konflikt ist vorprogrammiert. Verwenden Sie besser eine Ich-Botschaft wie „Mir ist es wichtig, pünktlich anzufangen.
What does meta-conversation mean?
Had your mood something to do with me or with concerns about your sick mother?“ The definition meta-conversation describes for example the situation, that two or more persons discuss the way a certain conversation developped, especially how they treated eachother in that conversation.
What are some examples of meta-discussion?
One of the most easily understood examples of meta-discussion occurs in the criticism of a literary work, such as a novel. On-topic discussion of a novel, rather than meta-discussion, would include such things as the consideration of a particular character, examination of incidents in the plot, or exploration of the general themes of the book.
What is metacognition and why is it important?
Metacognition is a conscious awareness of one’s thoughts–thinking about thinking. When developed, this awareness helps students not only achieve awareness of what they are thinking, but also recognize themselves as problem-solvers, choose appropriate strategies for thinking and problem-solving, match appropriate study strategies for given types
When is it time to get meta?
If you’re falling into the same patterns over and over with a relationship or interaction, it may be time to get meta. If you found this article useful, you will probably find my new book, The Making of a Manager, useful as well.