Welche Eigenschaften haben Quarks?
Quarks tragen eine Ladung, die man Farbladung nennt und die drei Werte, rot, grün und blau genannt, annehmen kann. Diese drei Werte addieren sich zu Null („weiß“). Mit den aus dem Alltag bekannten Farben hat die Farbladung nichts zu tun. Antiquarks tragen entsprechend die Farbladung antirot, antigrün oder antiblau.
Was sind up und down-Quarks?
Aus Up- und Down-Quarks sind die Bestandteile der Atomkerne, die Protonen und Neutronen, zusammengesetzt. Masse Die Masse des Up-Quarks entspricht etwa 3 MeV/c2 und ist damit rund sechsmal größer als die des Elektrons.
What is a W boson?
Discovered in 1983, the W boson is a fundamental particle. Together with the Z boson, it is responsible for the weak force, one of four fundamental forces that govern the behaviour of matter in our universe. Particles of matter interact by exchanging these bosons, but only over short distances.
Why does the Z boson have a weak force?
Like its electrically charged cousin, the W, the Z boson carries the weak force. The weak force is essentially as strong as the electromagnetic force, but it appears weak because its influence is limited by the large mass of the Z and W bosons.
What is the spin of bosons?
They are bosons, which means that they have a spin of 0 or 1. Both had been found in experiments by the year 1983. Together, they are responsible for a force known as „weak force.“. Weak force is called weak because it is not as strong as the strong force.
What happens to a W boson after it decays?
After the 3×10 -25 seconds has passed, a W boson decays into one electron and one neutrino. Since neutrinos rarely interact with matter, we can ignore them from now on. The electron is propelled out of the atom at a high speed. The proton that was produced by the Beta decay stays in the atom nucleus, and raises the atomic number by one.