Welche Muskeln trainiert man beim Kettlebell Swing?
Der Kettlebell Swing beansprucht gleich mehrere Gelenke – das Kniegelenk, das Hüftgelenk und teilweise auch das Schultergelenk. Du forderst Beinbeuger, Hintern und der Rückenstrecker, ähnlich wie beim gestreckten- oder rumänischen Kreuzheben. Plus: Der Latissimus, der Unterarm und die Schultern werden trainiert.
Welche Übungen mit Kugelhantel?
Ganz besonders gut ist das Workout mit der Kugelhantel für den Core-Bereich, also die gesamte Rücken- und Bauchmuskulatur. In Studien hat sich gezeigt, dass regelmäßiges Training mit der Kettlebell Rücken-, Nacken- und Schulterschmerzen effektiv vorbeugen und beseitigen kann.
How do you swing a kettlebell properly?
Kettlebell Swings Can be Summed Up With 4 Easy Verbal Cues. 1 1. HIKE. Every rep counts when you swing a kettlebell – from rep 1 to rep 20 – each one should look as fluid and as powerful as the very first one. 2 2. HINGE. 3 3. ROOT. 4 4. FLOAT.
What is the hinge on a kettlebell swing for?
This is good because most people today are hip flexor and quad dominant (your anterior muscles), so learning how to load and use your posterior chain creates a natural balance between front and back that will help in preventing knee and hip issues. The hinge is the foundation of the kettlebell swing.
What is a hike pass kettlebell swing?
As opposed to starting your set of swings from the standing position like how you see most amateurs do it, the hike pass allows you to pre-stretch your lats – a powerful muscle in your upper body with a direct relationship with your glutes – and get more “juice” out of your swing. Set your kettlebell up about 12-18 inches in front of you.
How many rep counts when you swing a kettlebell?
Every rep counts when you swing a kettlebell – from rep 1 to rep 20 – each one should look as fluid and as powerful as the very first one. This is where the “hike pass” is so important.