Wer gehört zu den stoikern?
Kein Wunder, dass einige berühmte Persönlichkeiten die stoische Philosophie schätzen und schätzten. Dazu zählen: Helmut Schmidt, Tim Ferriss, Nassim Taleb, Charlie Munger und Theodore Roosevelt. Junge Autoren wie Ryan Holiday widmen sich der Stoa und übersetzen die alte Philosophie in die moderne Welt.
Was bedeutet Stoa wörtlich?
Chr. begründet. Der Name (griechisch στοά ποικίλη – „bunte Vorhalle“) geht auf eine Säulenhalle (Stoa) auf der Agora, dem Marktplatz von Athen, zurück, in der Zenon von Kition seine Lehrtätigkeit aufnahm.
Was macht ein Stoiker?
Das Adjektiv stoisch bedeutet heute allgemein „gleichmütig“, „unerschütterlich“. Es beschreibt Menschen, die sich durch nichts aus der Ruhe bringen lassen, stets beherrscht und weitestgehend frei von emotionalen Schwankungen sind.
Is Jordan Peterson a stoic?
Then again, there appear to be just as many, if not more, people who have concluded that Peterson’s writings are fundamentally at odds with what Stoicism teaches. One of them is, Massimo Pigliucci, author of How to be a Stoic, who recently wrote an article called simply Nope, Jordan Peterson Ain’t No Stoic.
What do you think of Jordan Peterson’s rhetoric?
Peterson often uses provocative or quite emotive rhetoric in his talks and writings, which I’ll contrast with the Stoic philosophy of language below. Most of the online discussions about Peterson I’ve witnessed tended to rapidly degenerate into mud slinging and name calling, etc., from both sides: fans and critics alike.
What do you think about Jordan Peterson’s views on anger?
Peterson says a number of interesting things about anger. His writings also happen to contain many examples of angry thoughts and feelings, which are worth evaluating from a Stoic perspective. I think it’s self-evident that Peterson’s views and behaviour have become highly divisive.
What is the theme of 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson?
Throughout 12 Rules for Life, Peterson alludes to his own violent fantasies and feelings of anger. Sometimes these are on a cosmic scale… Perhaps Man is something that should never have been. Perhaps the world should even be cleansed of all human presence, so that Being and consciousness could return to the innocent brutality of the animal.