Wie funktioniert das Cavendish Experiment?
Das Grundprinzip von Cavendishs Apparatur ist die Messung kleinster Kräfte durch die Verdrillung eines dünnen Drahtes. Es gibt diverse Durchführungsformen für dieses Experiment. Beleuchtet man den am Draht befestigten Hohlspiegel mit einem Lichtstrahl, können kleinste Drehwinkel nachgewiesen werden.
Wie kann man die gravitationskonstante messen?
Bei der Bestimmung der Gravitationskonstante G werden die beiden Massen M und m sowie ihr Schwerpunktabstand r durch die gewählten Versuchsparameter in der Drehwaage vorgegeben. Experimentell gemessen wird dann die Gravitationskraft, die zwischen den beiden Massen m und M wirkt.
What is the Cavendish experiment?
In essence, the Cavendish experiment was initiated in 1797 by Henry Cavendish that supposedly can measure the gravitational attraction of two massive bodies. From there the legend grew to measuring the mass of the earth, moon and planetary bodies.
How is the Cavendish apparatus built?
The Cavendish apparatus we currently use is built by PASCO. 1 The quartz fiber and smaller dumbbell are enclosed in a metal case with glass window for protection. A plan view of the spheres and dimensions are given in figure 2. A HeNe laser is used to provide the spot reflection.
What was Henry Cavendish famous for?
…to be known as the Cavendish experiment.…. Henry Cavendish: Experiments with electricity. The most famous of those experiments, published in 1798, was to determine the density of Earth. His apparatus for weighing the world was a modification of the Englishman John Michell’s torsion balance.
What did Cavendish’s torsion balance experiment measure?
The experiment measured the faint gravitational attraction between the small balls and the larger ones. Vertical section drawing of Cavendish’s torsion balance instrument including the building in which it was housed.