Wie heißt Vitamin B12 noch?
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) ist das einzige wasserlösliche Vitamin, das der Körper über mehrere Jahre speichern kann. Das tut er vor allem in der Leber. Vitamin B12 ist unter anderem für die Bildung roter Blutkörperchen wichtig.
Welche Tiere können B12 produzieren?
Wiederkäuer wie Rinder und Schafe haben einen sogenannten Pansen: einen Vormagen mit einer ausgeprägten Flora an Mikroorganismen. Dort tummeln sich auch viele Einzeller, die Vitamin B12 produzieren können (siehe Frage 2). Dazu müssen die Wiederkäuer allerdings über genügend Kobalt verfügen, das zur Synthese nötig ist.
Is there a link between vitamin B12 levels and genes?
In another study conducted on nearly 3000 people, people with the A variant of the gene were shown to have 44.2 pg/mL higher concentrations of vitamin B12. According to another study, a strong association was found between SNP rs492602 and vitamin B12 plasma levels.
What is the role of vitamin B12 in the body?
The other form of vitamin B12 in the body, 5-deoxyadenosyl cobalamin, is a co-factor for the enzyme that converts I-methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA. This succinyl CoA is an important step in the metabolism of fats and is also required for the production of hemoglobin.
How can I increase my vitamin B12 levels?
It is important to choose an appropriate diet based on the genetic profile. Likely decrease in plasma vitamin B12 levels. Vegetarians are likely to have further decreased levels. Include meat, fish, fortified soy products and fortified cereals in your diet to increase vitamin B12 levels in the body.
What is the association between SNP rs492602 and vitamin B12 plasma levels?
According to another study, a strong association was found between SNP rs492602 and vitamin B12 plasma levels. Women who were homozygous with the G allele (GG) had higher concentrations of plasma vitamin B12 than those with other FUT2 genotypes (AG, AA). How can this information be used?