Wie lange dauert es in der Regel eine neue Leber zu bekommen?
Durch ständige Verbesserung der Technik und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Immuntherapie (Immunsuppression) steigt die Überlebensrate stetig an. Gegenwärtig werden Einjahres-Überlebensraten von über 90\%, 5-Jahres-Überlebensraten von über 80\% und 10-Jahres-Überlebensraten von über 70\% erreicht.
Welche Organe können heute transplantiert werden?
Welche Organe gespendet und transplantiert werden können, ist gesetzlich streng geregelt
- Nierentransplantation.
- Lebertransplantation.
- Herztransplantation.
- Lungentransplantation.
- Bauchspeicheldrüsentransplantation.
- Dünndarmtransplantation.
What is the transplant diet?
Due to their immunosuppressive medications that keep their bodies from rejecting a new organ, transplant recipients are more susceptible to developing infections, and a foodborne illness can make a patient seriously ill. The transplant diet is a low microbial diet, focused on food safety.
What should transplant recipients do to prevent foodborne illnesses?
Transplant recipients must follow a strict diet after their surgery to prevent getting a foodborne illness. Due to their immunosuppressive medications that keep their bodies from rejecting a new organ, transplant recipients are more susceptible to developing infections, and a foodborne illness can make a patient seriously ill.
What happens at the end of an intestinal transplant?
Everyone undergoing intestinal transplant will have a stoma at the end of the procedure. A stoma is a surgically-created opening in the small bowel or colon (respectively ileostomy and colostomy) that allows the transplant team to monitor the transplanted organ.
What are intestinal and multivisceral transplants?
Intestinal and multivisceral transplants are performed using organs from cadaveric donors. A cadaveric donor is an individual who has sustained brain death and consent has been obtained for organ donation. Organ donation is critical to the success of intestinal transplantation.