Wie macht Yakuza Geld?
Man könnte diese Organisation auch Mafia nennen oder eine Verbrecherorganisation, aber das würde es nur zum Teil treffen. Yakuza ist ein Geflecht aus über 1000 Firmen. Sie verdient ihr Geld mit illegalen Geschäften, häufig Immobilienbetrügereien, Firmenplünderungen – aber auch Drogenverkauf.
Ist Yakuza Kleidung rechts?
Die Marke „Yakuza“ glänzt in seiner Außendarstellung mit einem Rowdy- und Proll-Image. Im „Antifaschistischen Infoblatt“ (AIB) 108 wurde Anfang Oktober 2015 ein Text veröffentlicht, der die Marke als „rechts-offen“ einordnete.
Is it illegal to join the Japanese yakuza?
And yet membership of the yakuza— as Japan’s crime syndicates are known — is not technically illegal. Finding a mob hangout requires little more than a telephone book. Tokyo’s richest crime group has an office tucked off the back streets of the glitzy Ginza shopping district.
Does a Yakuza lawyer have any contact with the client?
But no direct contact to the client from the yakuza „muscle“ is ever necessary. On paper, the billing (hours, etc.) is quite straightforward and even boring. The lawyer is untouchable by legal means, but both the client and the client’s opponents are victims, now and in the future.
Do the Yakuza actually do anything good?
One recent development is regular citizens suing the yakuza to get back protection money they’ve paid. It’s working and could be a creative way of making criminals‘ lives harder. It is not accurate to say that the yakuza stick entirely to white collar crime and moderately legitimate businesses, though.
How do the Yakuza help keep the Japanese crime rate low?
In other words, in a crazy, twisted way, the yakuza help keep the Japanese crime rate low. The yakuza make some of their money in the stereotypical manner of criminals: prostitution, blackmail, gambling, and the like. But their real wealth comes from completely legitimate businesses, which are often clearly marked as being yakuza owned.