Wird man Feigwarzen wieder los?
Diese gutartigen Wucherungen werden durch Viren übertragen, sind ungefähr so groß wie ein Stecknadelkopf und wachsen meist beetartig. In der Regel tun die Genitalwarzen nicht weh. Bei einem Drittel der Betroffenen verschwinden sie nach einigen Monaten von alleine wieder.
Wie werden Feigwarzen im Enddarm entfernt?
Die Behandlung von Feigwarzen der Afterregion ist schwierig, da es durch den Virusinfekt häufig zur Wiederkehr der Erkrankung kommt. Die Behandlung besteht in einer chirurgischen Abtragung der einzelnen Warzen und einer örtlichen Nachbehandlung mit speziellen Salben.
What is condyloma acuminatum?
Condyloma Acuminatum. Condyloma acuminatum is the medical term for genital warts, which are a skin infection that affects the genital area. As the other type of warts, they are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and spread through skin-to-skin contact of private parts or through the share of infected body fluids.
How common are condcondyloma acuminatum warts?
Condyloma acuminatum can infect people of any age and they are more frequent among people aged 17-33. Genital warts are very widespread and they are the most common sexually transmitted disease.
What is the risk for neoplastic conversion of condylomata acuminata?
Approximately 90\% of condylomata acuminata are related to HPV types 6 and 11. These 2 types are the least likely to have a neoplastic potential. Risk for neoplastic conversion has been determined to be moderate (types 33, 35, 39, 40, 43, 45, 51-56, 58) or high (types 16, 18), [ 1] with many other isolated types.
What are the treatment options for vaginal condyloma acuminatum?
Treatment of vaginal condyloma acuminatum. CDC-recommended treatments include cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen or TCA or BCA 80\%-90\%, applied with caution. Use of a cryoprobe is not recommended, as it might result in vaginal perforation and fistula formation. Treatment of condyloma acuminatum of the urethral meatus.