Woher kommt der Begriff Fracking?
Herkunft: Es handelt sich um ein seit Anfang des 2. Jahrzehnts des 21. Jahrhunderts in Gebrauch gekommenes Lehnwort aus englischem fracking → en, der Kurzform für hydraulic fracturing → en ‚hydraulisches Zerbrechen‘, dessen Grundwort eine Ableitung zu to fracture → en ‚aufbrechen, aufreißen‘ ist..
Was ist problematisch an Fracking?
Der NABU warnt vor den Risiken zur Förderung unkonventioneller Erdgasvorkommen, dem so genannten Fracking, in Deutschland. Zu den Risiken gehören vor allem Belastungen des Grund- und Trinkwassers, der hohe Flächenverbrauch und die Zerstörung von Natur und Landschaft.
What is a hydrofracking well?
HYDROFRACKING WELLS [This article, written by the American Ground Water Trust was originally published in THE AMERICAN WELL OWNER, 2003, Number 2] HYDROFRACKING WELLS. Hydrofracturing (or hydrofracking) is a process that may be used to increase the flow of water into a well. It is usually applied to low yielding wells.
How does hydrofracturing work in geology?
The technique involves injecting high-pressure water via the drilled well into the rock formations surrounding it. Hydrofracturing may widen fractures in the bedrockand extend them further into the formation and so increase the network of water bearing fractures/ fissures supplying water to the well.
What is zone hydro-fracturing?
Water is then poured through the packer, pressurizing the entire well. Fractures widen and spread during this process, yielding more water on a regular basis. Instead of using one packer like standard hydro-fracturing does, zone hydro-fracturing uses two.
What is a single Packer in hydrofracking?
In this way, all potential water bearing fractures or fracture zones are worked independently within the section of the well bore being hydrofracked. This differs from, the single packer, one or two frac sequence method which probably only affects the weakest, least resistant point (s) in the well.